Panet Water Expeditions, the R/V Heraclitus and crew of ‘Coral Sea to Black Sea Expedition 2006 – 2011’ presents a photographic and artistic exhibition in Trinidad & Tobago, entitled: “ Expect the Unexpected” from Dec 10th to Dec 14th 2009.
The exhibition seeks to diffuse the idea of the ethnospheric expedition started in Australia in 2006; and develop a creative educational and informational instrument represented and only made possible by the existence of a floating laboratory where art, philosophy and creativity are constantly in-action.
As a creative tool the exhibition seeks to explore the possibilities of the mind starting from a suggested image with a related quote by Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher.
Heraclitus was famous for his doctrine of change being central to the universe, summarized in his famous quote, "You can not step twice into the same river." He believed in the unity of opposites, stating that "the path up and down is one and the same," existing things being characterized by pairs of contrary properties
A selection of full colour and black and white photos shot by different crew members will be showed as highlight over life at sea, life in a community, cultures, people encountered and the vessel itself. Each of the photos will be linked and presented with one of Heraclitus’ enigmas.
Art installations and theatre performances will be presented during the happening
CRAIG INGLIS, United Kingdom
Peake Yacht Services
Lot 5 Western Mn. Rd
Trinidad&Tobago, West Indies
Opening event
for GUEST LIST only. Please RSVP with SMS or email
thur 10th Dec 2009, 5.30 to 8.30 pm
Open to public
11,12,14 Dec 2009, Working hours
The exhibition seeks to diffuse the idea of the ethnospheric expedition started in Australia in 2006; and develop a creative educational and informational instrument represented and only made possible by the existence of a floating laboratory where art, philosophy and creativity are constantly in-action.
As a creative tool the exhibition seeks to explore the possibilities of the mind starting from a suggested image with a related quote by Heraclitus, the Greek philosopher.
Heraclitus was famous for his doctrine of change being central to the universe, summarized in his famous quote, "You can not step twice into the same river." He believed in the unity of opposites, stating that "the path up and down is one and the same," existing things being characterized by pairs of contrary properties
A selection of full colour and black and white photos shot by different crew members will be showed as highlight over life at sea, life in a community, cultures, people encountered and the vessel itself. Each of the photos will be linked and presented with one of Heraclitus’ enigmas.
Art installations and theatre performances will be presented during the happening
CRAIG INGLIS, United Kingdom
Peake Yacht Services
Lot 5 Western Mn. Rd
Trinidad&Tobago, West Indies
Opening event
for GUEST LIST only. Please RSVP with SMS or email
thur 10th Dec 2009, 5.30 to 8.30 pm
Open to public
11,12,14 Dec 2009, Working hours
A project managed by Dario Sorgato
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